Dr. Eric EDMONDS Quotes 'Prober' & Exit & Survival Policy!
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To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean Politics up NOW make Politicians Responsible for their actions!
The antics of some self serving Politicians
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
THE AIM is to consider the difficulties of leaving The EU and seek solutions so that we may maximise THE BENEFITS of a Free, Independent, Sovereign Nation Trading with all they choose around the world at liberty with minimal Government control and intervention.
IF YOU have ideas you believe worth publishing please comment and mail them in!!
it is interesting to note the number of informed individuals who now realise that UKIP under its present corrupt and inept leadership team are not fit for purpose and as utilisers of various forms of attempts at cyber bullying and dishonesty to secure their income stream on the EU gravy train are clearly more dangerous in many ways than the self destructive EU they feed on!
Let us not forget that Eric Edmond was elected to UKIP NEC by the members and bullied off when he scared the leadership by seeking transparency and accountability!
It is interesting to note that he too has become aware of just what a problem to EUroScepticism UKIP's self enriching and self serving leadership are as shown by his posting below:
There is someone who posts on Butcher's
forum under the nom de plume Prober who is one of the few worth reading
on that site. Most of the posts are made by anonymous Farage wannabee
MEPs eg Gothmog who are scared to post under their real names and are
impervious to huge volumes of inconvenient facts. Click on link to read Prober's latest effort. Its on a thread started by Niall Warry on the topic "What should our Exit and Survival Strategy be from the EU?"
Niall Warry has correctly identified
this as a major defect in EUKIP's largely non-exisitent political
strategy. The lack of any coherent strategy is a result of EUKIP
degenerating into a Farage cult with talented members being smeared and
removed to join the swelling army of former UKIP members which now far
outnumbers UKIP members.
I quote Prober's post in full below:
"Clegg says
(unchallenged) that UK has to stay subordinate to EU because 2 million
jobs and 40% of our exports ( implying 40% of our income) is bound up
with EU and would be lost if we pulled out.
One would have thought that
ages ago UKIP would have articulated and quantified on its website a
vision for a future of and step by step pathway to a UK outside the EU
emerging as a global
outward looking production
and bilateral international trading link nation ....to replace the
inward looking future of being hampered by a declining high cost EU. An
essential part of such public
education would be to
identify and realistically quantify the short and long term political
and economic costs and and benefits and what would need to be done to
ensure that the man in the street is not hit in the pocket and how he
would benefit.
In addition, the idea that
after (if) UK walks away or renegotiates membership, the EU (despite its
problems) is just going to disappear makes UKIP look head in sand
ridiculous. To establish its credibility UKIP should have on its website
its identification of what a future EU could be like ( an association
of free nations in co-operation and negotiated bilateral free trade with
no powers over nations) , how it could be structured , how a pathway
could come about and what savings would result and what UK's
relationship to it would be. UKIP was wedded to election
campaignprinciples of "keep it simple just say " NO !" That gets 16% of
the vote .
Note that if a referendum
on pull out from the EU is held today it would be lost because the "fear
factor" would overcome antipathy towards the EU. One would have thought
that a prime objective of UKIP would be public education targeted to
overcome that fear. Its shop window ( its website) doesnt seem to
indicate it is very important.
A party hungry for success
would deeply attack the record of big 3 MPS and failure of their parties
as cant or wont provide the EU solution in the interests of UK people.
UKIP hardly tries except for the odd squeak and MPs can ignore UKIP with
impunity. UKIP as a party seems to be an invisible except on
displacement activity ( English parliament , MEPs in Pan European party
or not, pub campaign) , ... almost an irelevant spectator of events
going more or less its way . Despite once having more MEPs than Labour
BBC dont invite UKIP on newsnight when economists and EU officials are
deliberating EU solutions/problems or the domestic economy is the
subject. That fits the concept of a party happy for events to take their
course and relieved to disband and support Tories (a la Pearson ) if a
referendum is achieved and UK pulls out of the EU. It doesnt fit the
concept of a party that has a domestic credibility long term vision."
The problem is EUKIP's laziness. They
don't do the research and homework required to rebut and expose
LibLabCon lies. Their back up research where it exists is poor quality.
Not surprising as the researchers are appointed because of their
unquestioning support for Farage and desire for MEP slots rather than
talent and ability. This is mirrored in the poor quality and lack of
effort of many of their MEPs like William Legge, Bloom, Nuttall etc.
They just want to pose and preen before the diminishing EUKIP faithful
and like Farage hope for invites on to Newsnight etc. The problem is
they are empty barrels and have nothing worthwhile to say so the invites
have dried up. They are not interested in the hard graft and grind of
politics like setting up a decent web site, keeping it up to date with
relevant facts and authoritative opinion.
Are the Hamiltons, the face of Tory
sleaze in the 90s, the people to change this? I don't think so but mores
the pity obviously some UKIP members do.
I compare them with John Redwood who
sends out his email every day to anyone interested. Its well researched,
well written and commands respect. Redwood is of course a very able man
backed up by able researchers.
Farage and his cabal lack depth of
knowledge and ability. They are being exposed as shallow and
inconsequential compared to Alex Salmond and his able team. EUKIP has to
change and Farage and his cabal have to be got rid of or our leave the
EU cause is dead.
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 - 528 337
Please Be Sure To .
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