BREXIT Shows That At Least Someone Is Thinking!
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To Spread The Facts World Wide
Clean Politics up NOW make Politicians Responsible for their actions!
The antics of some self serving Politicians
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
THE AIM is to consider the difficulties of leaving The EU and seek solutions so that we may maximise THE BENEFITS of a Free, Independent, Sovereign Nation Trading with all they choose around the world at liberty with minimal Government control and intervention.
IF YOU have ideas you believe worth publishing please comment and mail them in!!
BREXIT Shows That At Least Someone Is Thinking!
almost 25 years I have been seeking out some organisation of repute
that has, or is devising, an EU Exit & Survival Strategy.
the best part of that time I had hoped that UKIP m,ight act responsibly
and draw up the details of such a plan and the strategic points and
tactical steps required but sadly despite some 15 years of highlighting
their structural inadequacies, leadership ineptitude and profound lack
of gravitas or intellectual rigour they have failed on all counts to
both represent the best interests of the Leave-The-EU movement they
CLAIM to represent and have been followers rather than leaderrs!
this day UKIP has manifestly displayed a lack of strate gic planning,
an absence of tactical plans and absolutely no signs or any kind of an
Exit & Survival Strategy and no evidence of making any steps towards
such a policy/plan - being reliant rather on opportunistic self
interest abjectly failing to educate the public on the issues or for
that matter themselves and their members and supporters!
At last someone is thinking:.
IEA Brexit Prize
© 2010 Institute of Economic Affairs
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Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01594 – 528 337
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
Reclaim YOUR Future
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future
Please Be Sure To .
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